Key Personnel

GMI has a small but highly efficient work team. We are also able to hire and recruit more labour when we have projects that may require more desk staff. Currently, we have eight (8) full-time team mates and hope to increase that to 12 by the end of 2020. But more importantly, GMI is a volunteers-driven initiative. We employ youths of the areas and other capable hands within the community to assist us in projects.  Structurally, GMI has access to a network of over 50 young professionals who are working as an alliance to practice in their field. We are able to call on members of the alliance to boost capacity on projects that may require more of that. The following are current members of the Green Mobilization Initiative’s team.


Mr. Victor Enebi

Professor C.F. Mafiana

Mr. Gabriel Aborele

Mrs. Beatrice Aborele


It’s our task to find innovative and practical solutions while doing our part to preserve the planet. We add value to every project by balancing environmental strategies with the practical limits imposed by scope and budget. By responding to design challenges with holistic planning at the outset of the project, our goal is to achieve the best fit within the aesthetic, environmental, and historical context.